Toys4pets Products

Friday, January 15, 2010

February 2010 Newsletter

How to save money on Pet care

We are sure that everyone is in the same boat with the price of gas and groceries taking a big chunk out of your family budget. Here are a few ways to save on your pet care. To do this you must focus on prevention by keeping your pets healthy. If you do this, you can avoid spending money later on expensive procedures at your local vet.

Most dogs and cats are over weight, which can lead them to arthritis, diabetes and cancer. The rule of thumb is if you can feel your pets ribs, it should be within its normal weight. If not, you need to start measuring its food intake, reduce the amount of treats you give them, and exercise. By walking your pet, you are also helping yourself stay fit. You do not want to shed those pounds to fast, this can cause a health risk. Especially in cats.

Walking your dog/s can be benefiicial for you and them and save you some money. Great Britain surveyed 5000 people and found those with dogs exercised up to six hours more a week than those who worked out at a gym. They found the average gym member works out less than two hours a week. Dog owners exercised up to six hours more in a week. 86% of the respondents stated they enjoyed the time spent with their pets as opposed to 16% who enjoyed going to the gym.

You can also save money by learning to care for your pet yourself. Learn basic grooming routines from bathing your animal and trimming their nails. We sell a tool that the professionals use called Millers Nail Clipper. The clipper has a stop on it so you can not cut down to the quick of your pet's nails. The time to clip is when you can hear your pets nails clicking on the floor. We can also get your shampoo with a special order. It is impossibe to carry all brands, so tell us what you use and we will find it for you at the best price. ( You can purchase a book on grooming your pet or better yet, go to your local library. Brush your pet's teeth to help lengthen the time between office visits. We can also get pet toothpaste and brushes for you on request.

Tons of money is spent each year on pets that are posioned or hit by a car. Keep your cat in the house and your dog in a fenced in area.

Make sure you take your pet to the vet for a yearly checkup. This visit can spot a little problem that may turn into a larger problem if not treated. If your pet takes medication, ask your vet to write you a precription instead of him filling it himself. You can save money by comparison-shopping at local pharmacies and on line. We are not a vet, so we cannot help you with pet medicine. What we can do, is help you find it cheaper. Another tip is take your pet to the vet when they are having a special to promote helth care in a certain month.

Clean your pet's toys if you hide treats in them. Some toys such as Kongs can be cleaned in a dishwasher. We carry a wide variety of Kongs and toys. Check out our website at . Try to buy your food in bulk if you have a large dog. Buy the larger bags of litter, get case discounts on your can foods and use coupons. We save coupons for our customers, if you purchase something from us and tell us what you use, if we have a coupon, we will send it to you along with your purchase. If you know someone that uses the same food, split the cost of a large bag with them. Make sure that you store this food in an air-tight container.

The last thing we will leave you with is health insurance for your pet. Believe it or not, it is a rapidly growing business. If you know that your pet is going to have to have some long term care, you may want to look into this.

Some of this information comes from Dr. Marty Becker and Gina Spadafori. they both have best-selling books on pet care.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Business Sign

Our sign is finished and ready to be viewed by anyone coming by our business. A little disappointed in the spacing on the "s" in dogs but overall it will do the job. Come visit our store at:, you will find that we specialize in a wide variety of pet products. You will find Kongs, Nylabones, Zanies, Zack & Zoey Apparel, Bandanas, Visors, Grriggles, Plush dog toys, Rawhide toys, Healthy Hide dog treats, Collars, Leashes, Harnesses, Beastie Band Cat collars and hand made signs, and crocheted pet towels and more. If you do not find what you are looking for, email us at and we will try to find your product at the best price. Thank you for visiting our blog.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Favorite Pics From Websites and Customers

These are just a few of the favoite pics that we found on the web or that our customers sent to us. Send us your pics of you and your pet, (or if you pefer-just your pet), its name and we will add it to our blog site. Send to Enjoy!