Have you or someone you know ever gone online to look for your new furry friend? Beware, there are plenty of online scammers willing to take your money. The American Kennel Club is reiterating this message in a campaign called "Beware of Internet Scams."
Don't buy a pet online, sight unseen or from an unrepeatable pet store. Pet stores often buy from middlemen who get their animals from a mill. We are sure that you have heard of a puppy mill.
Things to look for and to be aware of:
1. Anyone who seems overly concerned about getting paid and requests money to be wired
2. Be wary of heart-wrenching tales online containing pictures that most likely have been
lifted from legitimate breeders' Web sites.
3. Research, research, research can not say it enough. Find a breeder through the AKC
breeder referral at akc.org.
4. If you or someone you know has been a victim of scam, report it to local authorities and
the Better Business Bureau (bbb.org)
We actually know people who found their furry friend online, sent an airline ticket to the
seller and purchased their pet. It was determined that their puppies probably came from
a puppy mill. They had some pretty bad habits but with lots of love and patience, they
were able to break the bad habits and have a wonderful pet. Please keep in mind that
this is not the case in most of these kinds of adoptions.
Remember that we are not professional doctors, and should always read instructions
and talk to your vet about what is best for your pets.
If there is something that you want to read about in the future or send us some great
shots of your pets, email us at azwholesales@gmail.com If you wish to to removed from
this newsletter please let us know at azwholesales@gmail.com
Johnny & Connie
The skunk picture is hysterical. That is so good. Thanks for the great laugh. Love the other picture too. Have a great week.