Your tip on the month is on recall of pet food. It is very important that you keep up on recalls so you are not feeding food to your pet that may cause them harm. The easiest way of doing this, is to go to the web site of the product you use. Sign up for their newsletter and they will let you know what is happening with their product. If they do not have a newsletter, they don't want you to know. You are going to find that off brands have more recalls than brand names. The reason for this is quality assurance and testing program that the larger food suppliers have implemented in their product. You will see from time to time the larger company will have a recall but you can bet they will fix their problem as soon as possible. You can also google pet food recalls and find out all kinds of information. Keep your pet safe and spend the time to do some research.
Remember we are not professional doctors, and you should always read instructions and talk to your vet to find out what is best for your pets.
In this site you will be able to look at all the archieve newsletters that have been sent to you and also be able to view pictures that you have sent us of you and/or your pet. We will also add some pics that we have collected throughtout the years. Your pictures may take a little time to be added. We hope that you enjoy this site as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you. Send all your correspondence to and don't forget to visit
Toys4pets Products
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
November 2008 Newsletter
Here is the information that we found when we researched pets and habits during the holiday. Foods that are delicious to us can be dangerous to dogs, here is some information on what not to do this holiday. Most animal owners know that you should not give your dog chocolate but there are some vegetables and fruits that can be dangerous or harmful to your dog.
Onions and garlic can cause serious health problems in dogs. They contain N-propyl disulfide, which destroys red blood cells, leading to hemolytic anemia. A little onion or garlic is fine once in a while if your pet happens to eat a piece of pizza or lick up some Ragu spaghetti sauce but you do not want to chop up onions and put them into your dogs bowl. This also applies to onion and garlic powder or any product containing them. Red peppers are good for dogs with arthritis because of the capsaicin it contains. Other spices that are recommended for dogs with joint and swelling problems are turmeric, cumin and curry. Raisins and grapes are not good for your dog, they can cause kidney failure in your pet. Grapes are a heavily sprayed crop in some countries and the pesticide that they use can cause problem for your pet. Raisins are preserved with sulfites, which cause allergic reactions in many dogs. Don't give your dog food that is preserved with nitrates such as sausages and bacon, they can trigger allergic reactions in a dog. Any food that contains phytate can inhabit your pets digestion and absorption of other vital nutrients, which includes your dogs important minerals. If you do feed your dog legumes of any kind, make sure that they are cooked well, it is much worse if they eat them raw. If you feed grains and pasta to your pet, always overcook them, they do not have the starch-digesting enzymes that we do. This also includes rice. If you are traveling this holiday and you stop at a fast food restaurant, fish is the best thing to feed your dog. Do not let your dog lick the turkey-roasting pan, this can give your dog a pancreatitis attach. Cooked turkey bones are bad for your pet. Your dog can eat fresh cranberries but not out of the can, they contain high levels of sugar. Sweet potatoes are ok to feed to your dog but do not give them uncooked skin off any potato. Feeding milk products to some dogs and cats can cause gastric distress but feeding them fermented milk products such as yogurt and buttermilk are fine for dogs, they don't usually distress the animal's system. You can give dog ice cream in moderation but if you notice your dog getting gastric distress, don't give them anymore. Always avoid ice creams that contain chocolate or raisins.
Remember, we are not professional doctors, and you should always read instructions and talk to your vet about what is best for your pets.
Onions and garlic can cause serious health problems in dogs. They contain N-propyl disulfide, which destroys red blood cells, leading to hemolytic anemia. A little onion or garlic is fine once in a while if your pet happens to eat a piece of pizza or lick up some Ragu spaghetti sauce but you do not want to chop up onions and put them into your dogs bowl. This also applies to onion and garlic powder or any product containing them. Red peppers are good for dogs with arthritis because of the capsaicin it contains. Other spices that are recommended for dogs with joint and swelling problems are turmeric, cumin and curry. Raisins and grapes are not good for your dog, they can cause kidney failure in your pet. Grapes are a heavily sprayed crop in some countries and the pesticide that they use can cause problem for your pet. Raisins are preserved with sulfites, which cause allergic reactions in many dogs. Don't give your dog food that is preserved with nitrates such as sausages and bacon, they can trigger allergic reactions in a dog. Any food that contains phytate can inhabit your pets digestion and absorption of other vital nutrients, which includes your dogs important minerals. If you do feed your dog legumes of any kind, make sure that they are cooked well, it is much worse if they eat them raw. If you feed grains and pasta to your pet, always overcook them, they do not have the starch-digesting enzymes that we do. This also includes rice. If you are traveling this holiday and you stop at a fast food restaurant, fish is the best thing to feed your dog. Do not let your dog lick the turkey-roasting pan, this can give your dog a pancreatitis attach. Cooked turkey bones are bad for your pet. Your dog can eat fresh cranberries but not out of the can, they contain high levels of sugar. Sweet potatoes are ok to feed to your dog but do not give them uncooked skin off any potato. Feeding milk products to some dogs and cats can cause gastric distress but feeding them fermented milk products such as yogurt and buttermilk are fine for dogs, they don't usually distress the animal's system. You can give dog ice cream in moderation but if you notice your dog getting gastric distress, don't give them anymore. Always avoid ice creams that contain chocolate or raisins.
Remember, we are not professional doctors, and you should always read instructions and talk to your vet about what is best for your pets.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
September 2008 Newsletter
This month we are going to give you information on how fleas survive and what you can do to get rid of them, on your pet and in your home. At lot of this information has been borrowed from research that we have done on this subject.
Fleas are insects that feed on the blood of mammals. Dog fleas are the most common parasite found on dogs. Some fleas prefer cat blood or the blood of other mammals but will but will settle for dog blood when there is nothing else around. Fleas can multiply very rapidly, they need warm, humid weather and will and will also bite humans.
Fleas can be seen with our human eyes. They are brown to black in color, fleas are wingless with laterally compressed bodies. Adult fleas are extremely powerful jumpers.
Fleas can cause your dog to become irritated and cause discomfort. Some dogs develop an allergy to flea saliva known as flea allergy dermatitis. The saliva causes the dog to itch and bite itself, causing hair loss and skin infection. Fleas also carry tapeworms and can cause anemia.
If you think your pet has fleas, inspect places where your dog sleeps for flea dirt. Flea dirt is a small dark speck and is actually flea feces which consists of digested blood. If you add a few drops of water to these specks, your water will turn reddish brown. Comb your dog with a flea comb (very fine toothed comb) around the neck, belly and tail. If you've noticed flea dirt and your dog has been scratching, chances are very good you'll see some between the teeth of the comb!
If you find that your pet has fleas, you must not only treat the pet but also treat your home. Most of a fleas life cycle is spent off the pet and develop in four stages: egg, larva, pupa(cocoon) and adult. The adults live on your pet, gorging on blood and laying eggs. The eggs will fall off your pet and into the yard, your carpet, your furniture and other areas.
If the eggs survive, they hatch and pass into the larva and pupa stages and can lie dormant for months. When they become adults, the fleas jump unto your pet and start the cycle all over again. Each female flea can lay more than 500 eggs, it only takes a few weeks before both your dog and your home have a serious problem.
In treating a flea problem, you will have to treat your dog, your home and your pet's outside environment. Start first with your pet. Give your pet a daily combing with a fine tooth flea comb, this will capture some of the fleas. Immediately drop your comb into a solution hot water and dish soap. This solution will kill them.
You can also purchase a flea shampoo and give your dog a bath. Read the directions carefully! Start by shampooing the pet head, using your fingers to work the shampoo around the pet's chin, neck and ears. Work the soap back from the head, over the body, belly and legs, and on the tip of the tail. Rinse well with warm water and towel your dog dry. Drying should be done in a room that has already been treated for fleas. This includes vacuuming this room. Flea dips are also effective. As with all preparations containing insecticides, read the directions carefully. Sponge your pet with the dip, starting with the head and moving towards the tail. Be careful to avoid eyes and do not use dips if your pet has open sores.
Always remove the flea collar before your pets bath or dip and do not put it back on for 24 hours, this is done to avoid over exposure to insecticides. A new flea collar should be taken out of the package and aired for 24 hours before putting it on your pet to reduce the possibility of skin irritation and should be the proper size for your pet. If the skin under the collar becomes irritated or the hair falls out, remove the collar. Some pets will not be able to tolerate flea collars.
Remember when using flea shampoos, dip, sprays, powders and collars, that all of these can be toxic to your pet and and mus be used with extreme caution. Using more than one product can result in overdosing and possibly poisoning your pet with insecticides. Read all label instructions.
Your home and your yard will also need to be treated if your pet gets fleas. Start by cleaning your house thoroughly. Mop floors and vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture. After vacuuming, remove the bag and throw it away. (Flea collars make an excellent addition to your vacuum cleaner bag because the collar will kill the fleas swept up into the bag) All pet bedding, pet toys, and throw rugs must be washed.
Foggers and sprays made of chemical insecticides can be used to treat your home. Commercial services, will come to your home and apply a non-toxic powder to your carpets. The white powder--consisting of something called a desiccant-- kills fleas, pupae and eggs by abrading their outer coverings and drying them out. (Diatomaceous Earth is a naturally occurring, nontoxic desiccant that is widely available) The powder is worked into your carpets with a brush and is invisible after application. Within a few weeks, your pet and your home should be completely flea-less with the exception of those fleas brought in from the outside--which are unable to reproduce once they are exposed to the desiccant. This can be an expensive service. We offer a unique flea trap that is cordless, light weight, portable and highly effective to rid your room of fleas, swiftly and efficiently. It is chemical-free and environmentally friendly. An intense light attracts the insects and trap them on a disposable adhesive sheet. Price is $59.99 each and has to be special ordered. Contact us at See pic below.

Any product that is applied directly to your pet should be made specifically for pet and directions should be followed explicitly. (Products made for dogs should not be used for cats) Some pets will still have reverse reactions to flea preparations or will develop a cumulative toxic effect to insecticides that are used repeatedly. Although collars, dips, flea baths may seem to be a more economical way of treating flea infestations , in the long run they are more expensive since treat most be repeated--and the risks the health of the pet. Discuss options with your veterinarian or breeder and be willing to invest in effective, safe solutions.
Fleas are insects that feed on the blood of mammals. Dog fleas are the most common parasite found on dogs. Some fleas prefer cat blood or the blood of other mammals but will but will settle for dog blood when there is nothing else around. Fleas can multiply very rapidly, they need warm, humid weather and will and will also bite humans.
Fleas can be seen with our human eyes. They are brown to black in color, fleas are wingless with laterally compressed bodies. Adult fleas are extremely powerful jumpers.
Fleas can cause your dog to become irritated and cause discomfort. Some dogs develop an allergy to flea saliva known as flea allergy dermatitis. The saliva causes the dog to itch and bite itself, causing hair loss and skin infection. Fleas also carry tapeworms and can cause anemia.
If you think your pet has fleas, inspect places where your dog sleeps for flea dirt. Flea dirt is a small dark speck and is actually flea feces which consists of digested blood. If you add a few drops of water to these specks, your water will turn reddish brown. Comb your dog with a flea comb (very fine toothed comb) around the neck, belly and tail. If you've noticed flea dirt and your dog has been scratching, chances are very good you'll see some between the teeth of the comb!
If you find that your pet has fleas, you must not only treat the pet but also treat your home. Most of a fleas life cycle is spent off the pet and develop in four stages: egg, larva, pupa(cocoon) and adult. The adults live on your pet, gorging on blood and laying eggs. The eggs will fall off your pet and into the yard, your carpet, your furniture and other areas.
If the eggs survive, they hatch and pass into the larva and pupa stages and can lie dormant for months. When they become adults, the fleas jump unto your pet and start the cycle all over again. Each female flea can lay more than 500 eggs, it only takes a few weeks before both your dog and your home have a serious problem.
In treating a flea problem, you will have to treat your dog, your home and your pet's outside environment. Start first with your pet. Give your pet a daily combing with a fine tooth flea comb, this will capture some of the fleas. Immediately drop your comb into a solution hot water and dish soap. This solution will kill them.
You can also purchase a flea shampoo and give your dog a bath. Read the directions carefully! Start by shampooing the pet head, using your fingers to work the shampoo around the pet's chin, neck and ears. Work the soap back from the head, over the body, belly and legs, and on the tip of the tail. Rinse well with warm water and towel your dog dry. Drying should be done in a room that has already been treated for fleas. This includes vacuuming this room. Flea dips are also effective. As with all preparations containing insecticides, read the directions carefully. Sponge your pet with the dip, starting with the head and moving towards the tail. Be careful to avoid eyes and do not use dips if your pet has open sores.
Always remove the flea collar before your pets bath or dip and do not put it back on for 24 hours, this is done to avoid over exposure to insecticides. A new flea collar should be taken out of the package and aired for 24 hours before putting it on your pet to reduce the possibility of skin irritation and should be the proper size for your pet. If the skin under the collar becomes irritated or the hair falls out, remove the collar. Some pets will not be able to tolerate flea collars.
Remember when using flea shampoos, dip, sprays, powders and collars, that all of these can be toxic to your pet and and mus be used with extreme caution. Using more than one product can result in overdosing and possibly poisoning your pet with insecticides. Read all label instructions.
Your home and your yard will also need to be treated if your pet gets fleas. Start by cleaning your house thoroughly. Mop floors and vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture. After vacuuming, remove the bag and throw it away. (Flea collars make an excellent addition to your vacuum cleaner bag because the collar will kill the fleas swept up into the bag) All pet bedding, pet toys, and throw rugs must be washed.
Foggers and sprays made of chemical insecticides can be used to treat your home. Commercial services, will come to your home and apply a non-toxic powder to your carpets. The white powder--consisting of something called a desiccant-- kills fleas, pupae and eggs by abrading their outer coverings and drying them out. (Diatomaceous Earth is a naturally occurring, nontoxic desiccant that is widely available) The powder is worked into your carpets with a brush and is invisible after application. Within a few weeks, your pet and your home should be completely flea-less with the exception of those fleas brought in from the outside--which are unable to reproduce once they are exposed to the desiccant. This can be an expensive service. We offer a unique flea trap that is cordless, light weight, portable and highly effective to rid your room of fleas, swiftly and efficiently. It is chemical-free and environmentally friendly. An intense light attracts the insects and trap them on a disposable adhesive sheet. Price is $59.99 each and has to be special ordered. Contact us at See pic below.

Any product that is applied directly to your pet should be made specifically for pet and directions should be followed explicitly. (Products made for dogs should not be used for cats) Some pets will still have reverse reactions to flea preparations or will develop a cumulative toxic effect to insecticides that are used repeatedly. Although collars, dips, flea baths may seem to be a more economical way of treating flea infestations , in the long run they are more expensive since treat most be repeated--and the risks the health of the pet. Discuss options with your veterinarian or breeder and be willing to invest in effective, safe solutions.
August 2008 Newsletter
We have recently been asked if we sell pet sunscreen. Our first reaction was, why do you need sunscreen for your pet, they have plenty of hair to protect them from the sun. In doing some research, we hae found that their are many types of pets that do not have protective hair.
If your pet has light colored skin or a pink or pale nose, if your pet is shaved, if your pet like to sunbathe on its back or any area that their is no hair,then your pet needs sunscreen. Dogs have more sensitive skin than we human do which means they need to use their own specially designed sunscreen that is SPF 15 or greater. Sunscreen will also help protect sun bleaching in most dark haired animals.
Pet owners, particularly dog owners, need to be very careful when using sunscreens, some ingredients can be harmful if your pet licks them off their body. You should never use any sunscreens that contains zinc oxide, salicylate, or PBA's in it, your pet can become anemic if it is ingested. Many human sunscreens have harmful ingredients in them, so do not use them.
We are looking for a vendor that will supply us with sunscreen for your pet and we will add it to our website at as soon as we can.
If your pet has light colored skin or a pink or pale nose, if your pet is shaved, if your pet like to sunbathe on its back or any area that their is no hair,then your pet needs sunscreen. Dogs have more sensitive skin than we human do which means they need to use their own specially designed sunscreen that is SPF 15 or greater. Sunscreen will also help protect sun bleaching in most dark haired animals.
Pet owners, particularly dog owners, need to be very careful when using sunscreens, some ingredients can be harmful if your pet licks them off their body. You should never use any sunscreens that contains zinc oxide, salicylate, or PBA's in it, your pet can become anemic if it is ingested. Many human sunscreens have harmful ingredients in them, so do not use them.
We are looking for a vendor that will supply us with sunscreen for your pet and we will add it to our website at as soon as we can.
July 2008 Newsletter

Summer is now upon us and this month we are going to give you hints on how to keep your pet cool in these hot months ahead. Did you know that we offer mats that help keep your pet cool in summer months? We sell a mat that you can just add cold water to keep your pet cool both indoors and out. We also have unique pads that help cool your pet on hot summer days and also insulates pets from cold floors in the winter. Drop us a line at for more information. See pictures below.
Kongs are a great way to cool down your pet in the summer heat. Here are some hints you can do with the Kong this summer. Fill your Kong with ice cubes, your pet while not only enjoy licking the ice out of the Kong but it will keep them busy for hours trying to get the ice cubes out. You can also fill your Klong with water and freeze it! Don't forget to plug that tiny whole with something edible. The other alternative to Kongs are the Zanies Cosmic Cones. You can do the same thing with these toys. We carry both of these products. See pics above.
Also, a great idea is soaking a bandana in cold water before putting it on your pet. As the wate evaporates, it will feel cool to your pet. We carry about 50 different styles and sizes of bandanas.
We also offer many great floating pet toys for lots of water fun. We carry Cool Kongs that float, Kong Air Dog Toys in Ring, Dumbell and Bone shapes. If you need any other water fun toys or gear, send us an email at and we will find it for you. See pics above.
You can also visit our store at
June 2008 Newsletter
This month we will start giving you hints and ideas about how to care for and keep your pet healthy. Since summer is close by, with thought we would start with the care for your pet in the summer heat. We are not professionals in animal care, so all the information that we pass on to you has been borrowed from animal care books and magazines.
Your pets feet are very important to take care of in all seasons of the year. In the summer your pet's feet can be easily burned on hot pavement and sand. Make sure that you put booties on your pet's feet when you are walking your pet on hot surfaces or beaches.
Don't leave your pet locked in a hot vehicle for any period of time. When it is hot, it only takes minutes to reach dangerous temperatures inside the vehicle. Dog's can't sweat the same way humans can. They thermo-regulate mostly by panting and sweat minimally through the bottom of their feet.
Heat stroke is a very serious life-threatening disease that can afflict dogs quite rapidly. Dark-colored dogs are particularly prone to heat stroke due to the fact that their coat absorbs heat. Other medical factors that predispose your dog to heat stroke are obesity, laryngeal paralysis, and heart disease. Some common early signs of heat stroke include panting, excessive salivation, hyper-excitement, and increased rectal temperature. Heat stroke can affect every organ in the body, if you suspect that this is taking place, seek immediate veterinary attention for your pet.
Never leave your pet in a place were it can't find shade or access to water. This seems very commonsense, but sometimes pets left on chains or leads may wind themselves around a tree and cut off their access to water.
Your pets feet are very important to take care of in all seasons of the year. In the summer your pet's feet can be easily burned on hot pavement and sand. Make sure that you put booties on your pet's feet when you are walking your pet on hot surfaces or beaches.
Don't leave your pet locked in a hot vehicle for any period of time. When it is hot, it only takes minutes to reach dangerous temperatures inside the vehicle. Dog's can't sweat the same way humans can. They thermo-regulate mostly by panting and sweat minimally through the bottom of their feet.
Heat stroke is a very serious life-threatening disease that can afflict dogs quite rapidly. Dark-colored dogs are particularly prone to heat stroke due to the fact that their coat absorbs heat. Other medical factors that predispose your dog to heat stroke are obesity, laryngeal paralysis, and heart disease. Some common early signs of heat stroke include panting, excessive salivation, hyper-excitement, and increased rectal temperature. Heat stroke can affect every organ in the body, if you suspect that this is taking place, seek immediate veterinary attention for your pet.
Never leave your pet in a place were it can't find shade or access to water. This seems very commonsense, but sometimes pets left on chains or leads may wind themselves around a tree and cut off their access to water.
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