In this site you will be able to look at all the archieve newsletters that have been sent to you and also be able to view pictures that you have sent us of you and/or your pet. We will also add some pics that we have collected throughtout the years. Your pictures may take a little time to be added. We hope that you enjoy this site as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you. Send all your correspondence to azwholesales@gmail.com and don't forget to visit www.toys4dogsncats.com
Toys4pets Products
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
December 2010 Newsletter
This month's pet hint will help your pet shed pounds. Most of this article was written by Sarah Wilson and Brian Kilcomms.
Almost half of American pets are overweight, which causes help problems and reduces their life expectancy by years. If you are like most pet owners you probably love your pet to much to feed them too much. But the reality is not that simple. People do not want to hear that their pet is heavy. A recent study by Purina revealed that fewer than 30% of pet owners rated their pet as overweight , while 79% of veterinarians disagreed. When you examine your dog or cat from both top and the side, you should see a noticeable waist above the rib cage. Regardless of breed or age, the ribs should be the widest part of the body. The ripple of the ribs should be easily felt when you stroke your pets sides. If you have to press down to find the bones, there is too much fat. Obesity can reduce your pet's life span by 15% - an average about 2 years. Overweight pets risk the same health complications as we do; breathing is harder, knees fall apart, heart is strained, moving hurts and diabetes becomes common.
The healthy solution is to burn move calories than your pet takes in. A few ways to accomplish this are to walk your dog daily, which will also help those of us who are fighting the battle of the bulge as well. Some dogs enjoy going to the park where they can chase other dogs, Frisbees and balls.
To help an overweight cat burn more calories encourage them to play with the numerous cat toys available on the market. One of our best sellers for cat owners is a laser light. This product can be found at www.toys4dogsncats.com
Do not feed your dog or cat from the table as this will add unwanted weight to your pet.
Make a New Year's Resolution to spend more time with your pet and both of your will benefit.
We hope that everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving and want to wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas.
Thank you for your continued support and and we look forward to helping you with all of your pet needs in the future.
Remember that we are not professional doctors, and you should always read instructions and talk to your vet about what is best for your pets.
If there is something you would like to read about in the future, drop us an email at www.azwholesales@gmail.com If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please email us at www.azwholesales@gmail.com
Johnny & Connie
Sunday, October 3, 2010
October 2010 Newsletter

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
September 2010 Newsletter

Monday, August 2, 2010
August 2010 Newsletter

Thursday, July 1, 2010
July 2010 Newsletter

- First of all it is important to use dental products specifically designed for dogs and cats. Do not use human toothpaste on your pet's teeth. Our toothpaste is not meant to be swallowed. Products are available for cats and dogs at most pet supply stores and at your veterinarian's office.
- If you start early when your pet is a puppy or kitten, your pet will get used to having their mouth looked at and their teeth cleaned.
- Some pets do not like things stuck into their mouth, try a finger brush to maintain your pet's teeth.
- Kong dental toys are one of the best ways to help your pet massage their gums and clean their teeth by themselves. This product is dishwasher safe so you can remove any bacteria that may be on it after they are done playing with it. We carry a wide range of Kong toys. Visit our store at http://www.toys4dogsncats.com/ .
- Try not to feed your pet treats that contain large amounts of sugar and that are sticky and chewy. Carrots are a good treat, they are actually abrasive and will help remove plaque.
Remember that we are not professional doctors, and you should always read instructions and talk to your vet about what is best for your pets.
If there something that you would like to read about in the future, drop us an email at azwholesales@gmail.com. If you wish to be removed from this mailing list , please email us at azwholesales@gmail.com.
Johnny and Connie
Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010
June 2010 Newsletter
Everyone wants to be a dog picture found on Internet.
Hope eveyone had a great Memorial weekend. We had many customers wondering why they no longer receive our newsletter. The reason this is happening, is that you have changed or deleted your email address. If you do this, you must send us your new email address at www.azwholesales@gmail.com so we can update our records. Hope this helps everyone continue to receive future newsletters. Please remember to visit us at http://www.toys4dogsncats.com/ for all of your pet needs.
We had a request from one of our customers to give them some information on cats. Since this is a vast topic, we decided to give you some facts about cats. We hope that this satisfies your request, if not send us an email at www.azwholesales@gmail.com.
- There are over 100 breeds of cats.
- The lifespan of a can can be as much as 20 years.
- An outdoor cat's lifespan is about 3 years.
- A cat ages 4 times as fast as humans.
- Kittens grow their fastest in their first year of life, up to twice their size.
- You can tell how large a cat will be by the length of their whiskers.
- Kittens will nurse until 4 weeks of age and will feed from their mom until they are full.
- Kittens should not leave their mom for at least the first 6 weeks of their life.
- Kittens should not have dry food until they reach 2 months.
- Cats become lactose intolerant after they are weaned from their mother's milk.
- Kittens can not hear until they are about 2 weeks old.
- Cats lose their mother's immunity from infection when they no longer nurse.
- A kitten beomes a cat at 8 months old and are not fully grown until 2 years old.
- Kittens open their eyes around 7-10 days old.
- Cats can have up to 5 litters a year.
- Kittens are unable to stand or walk when they are less than 2-3 weeks old.
- At 7 months old, a kittens teeth are fully developed.
- Cats have 30 teeth.
- The average length of a cat's pregnancy is about 9 weeks.
- Cats respond better to woman than men.
- Cats have a third eyelid.
- A domestic cat can sprint up to 30 miles per hour.
- Heaviest cat on record weighs 46 pounds. Have a big cat? Send us a picture.
- Cats take 20-40 breaths a minute.
- A cat's front paw has 5 toes, while the back paw has 4.
- Cats scoop liquids up backwards when they drink.
- Cats that have all white hair and blue eyes are usually deaf.
- Cats have 24 whiskers, which are used to measure distance.
- A group of cats is called a clowder.
- A group of kittens is called a kindle.
- Cats can see 6 times better than humans.
- Have you got a cat fact you would like us to add? Email us at: ww.azwholesales@gmail.com
We found all this information on various parts of the internet.
Remember that we are not professional doctors, and you should always read instructions and talk to your vet about what is best for your pets.
If there is something that you would like to read about in the future, drop us an email at azwholesales@gmail.com. If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please email us at azwholesales@gmail.com.
Thank you for your business,
Johnny and Connie

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
May 2010 Newsletter

- Grapes and Raisins: Can cause acute renal failure in dogs.
- Polyurethane Glue: Dogs may be attracted to either the smell or taste of glue, and may try to chew on the bottles. If swallowed, the glue expands to form a mass in the stomach and may need to be surgically removed. Gorilla Glue will do the same thing.
- Macadamia Nuts: Raw or roasted macadamia nuts cause painful muscle weakness, tremors, and paralysis. Dogs can be affected by eating as few as six nuts, and may also be affected by macadamia butter.
- Onions, Chives, and Garlic: Contains thiosulphate, which is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.
- Cooked bones: After cooking, bones become brittle and may splinter. These splinters may cause chocking, or may even puncture or become embedded in the intestinal tract or stomach. Some that are especially dangerous: turkey and chicken bones.
- Coffee: Any beverage containing caffeine can cause a dog's heart to race, sometimes causing seizures.
- Xylitol: Sugar free candies and other products containing xylitol. This ingredient is extremely harmful to dogs, with even small amounts causing liver damage and death.
- Fruits: Cherries, apricot and apple seeds, pear seeds, peach pits, plum seeds. These seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides which causes cyanide poisoning.
- Chocolate: Cooking chocolate and cocoa powder are the most toxic, followed by dark, semi-sweet, and milk chocolate. The smaller the pet the higher the toxicity rises, or the larger the quantity ingested. Keep all types of chocolate out of your dog's diet.
- Corn Cobs: Can cause potentially fatal intestinal blockage.
- Tobacco: Cigarettes, nicotine patches, and other tobacco products may be harmful or fatal.
- Raw Salmon: Dogs may be exposed to a parasite after eating infected salmon. The parasite causes gastrointestinal problems similar to parvo, and may be fatal. See your vet immediately if your dog has ingested raw salmon: ask for a fecal sample test for rickettsial organism. This can be treated if caught in time. Remember, if you feed your dog fish, makes sure it is cooked.
- Plants: Toxic plants include Azalea, rhododendron, lilies, foxglove, daffodils, rhubarb leaves, yew, castor bean, sago palm, kalanchoe, and tulip bulbs.
- Yeast Dough: Even a small amount can rise and cause a rupture in your dog's stomach or intestines.
- Human Medications: Pain killers, cold meds, anti-cancer drugs, vitamins, diet pills, and anti-depressants can be toxic even in small doses. Never give human medication to your pet unless it is instructed by your vet.
- Slug and Snail Bait: These products come in liquid, pellets, or powder form and are extremely toxic to dogs. These baits contain metaldehyde and should not be used anywhere there might be pets.
We found all this information on the Internet and wanted to share this life saving information with other pet lovers.
Remember that we are not professional doctors, and you should always read instructions and talk to your vet what is best for your pets.
If there is something that you would like to read about in the future, drop us an email at azwholesales@gmail.com If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please email us at azwholesales@gmail.com
Johnny & Connie Luke
Saturday, March 27, 2010
April 2010 Newsletter
April is Animal Cruelty Awareness Month. There are thousands of animals in the United States alone that are victims of abuse. If you know of any animal that is a victim of cruelty, contact your local humane society. This act of cruelty is not limited to dogs and cats but birds, donkeys, horses, etc. There are many types of animal cruelty. It can be lack of food, lack of water, no shelter from the heat or cold, violence, abuse and neglect of an animal. You can also be cited for leaving behind a pet when you move. This is called abandonment and carries the same penalties as cruelty. If you contact your local Humane Society to let them know that you think an animal is being subjected to cruelty, make sure you have the street address where you saw the animal. Also, it is a good idea to leave your name and address , so an officer can contact you for additional information. All calls should be confidential. Remember that you are the only voice that the animal has to protect itself from cruelty. We are not professional doctors and you should always read instructions and talk to your vet about what is best for your pets. If there is something you would like to read about in the future , drop us an email at azwholesales@gmail.com. The pictures below are of a cat tree that we sent to California. The owner of this 19# cat named Maui enjoys climbing on and scratching the sisal rope poles on her cat tree. She has crammed herself in the condo where she likes to hang out. To see and purchase this cat tree, go to www.toys4dogsncats.com

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
March 2010 Newsletter
It is more dangerous for the driver than it is for the pet if something would happen that you got into an accident. The safest place for a pet to travel is in the back seat. A large pet that weighs 60 pounds can hit you with a force of 2,700 pounds if you have to slam on your brakes going 35 mph. An injured pet can also cause a bad situation that can hinder rescue workers if you were in an accident. There are safety items that are sold on the market that can help you and your pet travel more securely.
The first is a dog safety harness. It is a specially designed harness that fits your pet and is buckled into the your existing seat belt system. Make sure that the one you buy is a universal harness, some foriegn cars do not accept these harnesses. We sell the Guardian Gear brand of pet harnesses for all sizes of pets at a very reasonable price. Check out our web site at http://www.toys4dogsncats.com/
The second items you can buy for your pet is a crate or a carrier. An enclosed carrier is a very safe place to keep your pet when traveling. Have you ever noticed that when you see a canine police unit car pass you that the dog is in a cage? This is to protect this highly trained pet from injury in case of an accident. These enclosures come in all shapes and sizes and also is a place that you can keep the temperature regulated for your pet on hot days. We can special order any size crate or carrier that will fit your pet. Email us as azwholesales@gmail.com, we can ususally beat the competitors prices which includes shipping.
The third thing, is a child's booster seat that can be fitted with a dog harness. This is usually used for a smaller pet such as a Chihuahua or Pomeranian. It is not a good idea to attach leashes to the pets collar, the pet could choke if the car has to stop suddenly.
Remember that we are not professional doctors and you should always read instructions and talk to your vet about what is best for you and your pet.

Friday, January 15, 2010
February 2010 Newsletter
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
New Business Sign
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Favorite Pics From Websites and Customers